Why Do We Age? A Review of Theories of Aging - Senescence.info.
negligible senescence in humans
Senescence and the Biology of Human Aging.
Lotus Artificial Life - Future senescence.
Negligible senescence | The Ellison Medical Foundation.
negligible senescence in humans
Musement Park: "Negligible senescence".Some species exhibit negligible senescence - they age so slowly that the cause . Perhaps curious scientists will eventually construct humans which do not age. Making SENSE: strategies for engineering negligible senescence evolutionarily. . mammals could be used to reverse-engineer a slowing of human aging. As always in senescence.info, I try to provide a balanced view, even though I of. that intrinsic changes occur in human cells as we age (de Magalhaes, 2004).
Negligible senescence: how will we know it when we see it.
The case for negative senescence - the Max Planck Institute for.
Nanomedically Engineered Negligible Senescence (NENS).Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) 2. lifespan-limiting components of human ag- ing.. such technology to humans was discussed.